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Minor Interests
      As I've said before I've got alot of interest. I try to pay as much attention to everyone of them as I can. I may not think about them everyday, but there always there when I'm bored. I'm rarely bored though; maybe for a few hours a month and that's about it. Some are a little out of the ordinary, but I like being a little different. So here they are...

State Quarter Collection:
I've been collecting state quarters since they've been coming out in 1999. I've spent only a few and saved all the rest. Currently I have 409of them as of November 13, 2001. I'll update this number as it goes up.

Flag Collection:
Flag collecting is one of my older hobbies that never really toke off right away. I gradually collected all the fifty state flags and then started collecting the flags of the world. I'm only a quarter of the way through, but I'll get there soon or later. There's not many places that specialize in this sort of thing.

Soda Top Collection:
This is the oddest, newest, and ever growing collection; collected the tabs of the tops of soda cans. I don't know why I started this hobby. I was bored one day last summer and I got this brainstorm after I had picked off a few soda top can's. I started to link them together by clipping one of the top sides with metal cutters and them linking them like that. And now I have a chain of 418' long which consists of 5018 tops. I have several people that save them for me. I usually get about ten a day and there adding up fast. I'll update these numbers as time goes on.

Outdoor Activities:
I like to do everything I can think of outdoors. If I had it my way I'd be outdoors more than inside, but I have to work and go to college too. I'm outside probably more than alot of people my age. Here's a list of things that I like to do outside: Hike, bike, swimming, ice skating, roller blade, camping, rock hunting, looking for wildlife, gardening (yard work in general), taking pictures, star gazing, watching storms, shoveling snow, and some other ones that I can't think of right away. Just about everything outside interest me!

Others Yet:
Yes there is several more interests that I have. Here are some of the catagories listed.
-Cutting out interesting newspaper articles
-Reading and buying books & magazines.
-The paranormal and the unexplained
-Internet Surfing
-Model Trains (Z-guage)
-and others to come down the road...

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