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![]() ![]() ![]() April 10, 2001
![]() First I should say welcome to Fallingwater. I've been waiting since St. Patrick's Day to get this up and finally working without bugs. Web site designing is getting addictive. Well today started out fairly normal. I don't have to get right out of bed on Tuesday because I don't have classes until afternoon. Well only one class. I have it easy on Tuesday's and Thursday's. It was kind of a gloomy day today. Cool wind of the lake and cloudy. I was busy this morning studying for a algebra 2 quiz. Once I got to CLC at 12:55 or so, I heard lots and shouting and so forth coming towards a group of people. As I got closer I could see two guys having a fist fight. It was just ending as I got there, but I could see the damage that was done. One kid had a bloody scratch on the face and the other kid had his shirt ripped in half. There girlfriends then broke it up and they went opposite directions. Well then I went of to class and had a 20 question quiz. The quiz went fast, since we all can use high tech calculators. I was done by 1:25. I feel I did good, it better be good. Tomorrow I have a quiz in Psychology. I saw another accident on the way home. Involving a dump truck and a car in the ditch. Didn't look to serious. My afternoon went fast. I started working on Fallingwater after I watched "Win Ben Steins Money". I think that's my favorite trivia show now. The categories are so weird. I wonder who thinks up those title. I've been on here since dinner working away.
![]() My sites coming along, so just hang in there.
![]() 11:01pm
![]() April 11,2001
![]() I over slept again today and had to rush to get to classes at 8. It started raining really heavy on the way to school. I had to decrease my speed to 4omph, because the visibility was so bad. Lightning flashes all around, not to mention how dark it was too. I got to the parking lot at CLC ten minutes late with it pouring down rain. Then I sat there a minute to see if the rain would slow down it didn't. I got out really fast and made a b-line for the door. By the time I walked the 300 feet to the door, I had gotten a free shower. My hair was dripping wet and my coat of book bag were soaked. I got into class 12 or so minutes late. And then on the way home it was the fog that was dense and problamatic. The rest of the morning I spent time on a little homework, reading history. After lunch me and my mom drove to Kenosha, WI (about 15 minutes away) to do some shopping and see my aunt who is in a nursing home. She broke her leg several weeks back do to a careless doctor and now she has to stay there until June 1st. By the time we got done visting me and my mom decided to get pizza at a restaurant called the "Log Cabin" in Paddock Lake which was about 20 minutes away west. My dad didn't go because he had his 30th annual bowling tournament final. After a enjoyable dinner, we took off around 7:15 for home. The rain started really coming down and the lightning. I was getting nervous over the semi's and other cars on Hwy 50 so I turned off so I wouldn't end up side-swipping anyone. I couldn't even see 50 feet. The side road was better, not many cars to look out for. Then I started to get disorientated to where I was at because the rain by that time was coming down in driving sheets. The road ended so I had to turn again; I still don't know what road I was on. Then I realized I was going back towards town. So I had to turn around and find another side road to go down, which I found. By that time the rain eased up enough so I could read the signs. I made it home in one piece thank god! Then right now I've been watching Jay Leno and updating files. The frogs are really crocking tonight! And the some of the earthworms out there are 10 inches long. There's a really nice warm breeze blowing in at me right now. I hope it doesn't storm tonight and keep me awake like it did last night.
![]() 11:30pm
![]() April 12, 2001
![]() Today seemed like is just wouldn't end. It wasn't really busy but, just long and gloomy. I woke up to a 60 degree reading in my room. I forgot that it was going to get down in the 40's. You really had to hold onto your hat today, it was super windy. At least I caught up on my sleep. My math quiz I got back wasn't that hot, I barely passed. The mistakes were so little and dumb. O well at least it was a quiz, not a test. On the way home I was watching surveyors survey the land there going to be developing a quarter of a mile from my house. I really didn't want this subdivsion to go in. It's going to be a traffic nightmare when the 200 homes and condos go in. The roads around here are not equipt to handle much traffic. Then the new elementary school is going in almost across the street. We've been wanting to move for a while and now we might because of all this development going in. I hate the city and it's congestion. Anyway... My aunt is coming over for Easter so that will be nice. She got tickets to a Easter play at my old church and school (Christian Life in Kenosha). I've been busy with homework this evening, so I'll make this entry short. I'll be getting at the un finished sections of this site whenever I can get the chance.
![]() 11:35pm
![]() April 13, 2001
![]() Today is almost finally over, I can't believe it. It's been such a long day. Today started out earlier than normal. I couldn't any decent sleep last night so I got up at six instead of half past six. I was so tired that I didn't feel like eating anything, but I did. The sun greeted me as soon as I entered the kitchen. At least the sun was out and up. I didn't feel up and awake. I watched the news after breakfast and realized it was Good Friday, I don't know how I forgot. What caught my attention on the news was Cincinnati riots. I can't blame them for being mad, but the rioting isn't going to help anything, it's just going to get worse.
![]() The drive to school today was nice and quick, because everyone was off for the Easter holiday weekend. My dad was lucky he got to stay home. This is the first Good Friday I've been in school. It was alright though, the teachers were nice and let us out ten minutes earlier. Out of the usual 1000 cars at CLC only 250 or so were there today. I went home between Psychology and Algebra as usual. There's no point hanging around there for 3 hours. I came home and my dad was gone and he took Margie the cat along with him. Margie is a black and white cat with four white feet and a what looks like a bib around her front. She loves to go in the car for a rides. Well then I went in the house and worked on Fallingwater for a little while and then did my algebra homework. The time flew once I got into the book. I had to go as soon as I finished. Algebra went better than the day before, I understood everything. On the way home I discovered a colony of nesting egrets in a swamp near Gurnee. It looked like about 30 or so nest in dead trees in this marsh land. Several of the birds were landing as I drove past. Never saw them before. The rest of the afternoon I had to myself. My mom and dad went out shopping since it was a really nice day with no clouds. I worked on this site until six when they got home. We then ordered Shirls Drive-in from Zion. It's not exactly fast food, but more like Medium fast. It's good, I haven't had any complaints yet. Then the rest of tonight I've been back and forth from the TV and computer. My room is a mess from all of the stuff I dragged out in helping me design this site. I have 30 or so photo envelops and each of them I have 25 pictures. I can't go to bed until I clear everything off. And now I might get some extra rest for tonight.
![]() 11:58pm
![]() April 15, 2001
![]() Happy Easter everyone! I hope it was a nice Easter for all of you reading this. My Easter went really well. The fun started out last night when my aunt and my parents and me and one of my aunt's friends came along to a play at my old church/school. The play was called, "Watch the Lamb", it depicted the story of Jesus from Palm Sunday to his resurrection on Easter. The acting was really good, there was about sixty people or so involved with the whole play. They even had pyro technic's at the end. The props and background were really cool, very well done. I was surprised I didn't see more people then I did, I only recognized four out of 2,000 people. The play lasted about 2.5 hours. After that we drove my aunt and her friend home and I went home took a shower and went to bed by 11:30; I was dragging it.
![]() Today was a really nice day. It rained in the morning but, cleared up in time for church. My mom had to give me an Easter basket with a wide variety of chocolates and so forth and a few new shirts.--We went to pick up my same aunt as we saw last night and took her to church with us in Zion. The church we went to adjoins the preschool I used to go to. I hadn't been to this place in almost 14 years. I looked alot different! The service was nothing but, the choir and the pipe organ going. The organ was really neat and quite large too. I heard it's really hard to play one of those. This one was about two-stories tall. The church had a really neat stained glass window with multi colored geometric shapes on it. As I was listening to the singing, I studying the design of it. After the service at 11:30 everyone was in a rush or something. Everyone jumped up and started cramming the doorways. It took us about ten minutes to get to the door alone and another ten to get out of the parking lot. I was driving my car this morning so I went the way I thought best to get out of there. We then let me aunt off at her house until she would drive over our house at five for dinner. That afternoon went well. First me and my mom and dad went to McDonald's for a fast lunch so we could get home to clean house and cook. I got home then I went to get gas. I can't believe the jump in gas prices over the last week, all of a sudden there at $1.71 up from $1.59. I then remembered someone told me that gas is supposed to go up to $3.oo this summer. Anyway I went home and straightened up the house and watched a little tv. My aunt came over right at five. We all talked for an hour at the kitchen table until it was time to eat. I showed some pictures to my aunt from our time in Michigan. Dinner was ready at five after six. The meal consisted of you guessed it; ham! And also caesar salad, cheesy potatoes, asparagus, corn casserole, and for desert French silk pie over ice cream. Everything was very good. My mom is the best cook I know. After dinner and desert it was eight o'clock and we settled down to watch a little TV as my dad cleaned up the kitchen. My dad likes to clean the kitchen and do dishes; he's different. Then my aunt left after nine and now I'm sitting here typing this. Thinking up more ideas for this site.
![]() 10:35pm
![]() ![]() April 17, 2001
![]() Today was a fairly typical day. I woke up at 7:30 to see a half an inch of snow on the ground. It had been snowing the day before and fairly hard too. Since I didn't get to publish yesterday, I'll tell you what was the highlight of the day. I helped my friend Chris put in more RAM on his computer. It started running faster as soon as I got the computer back together and booted up.-Back to today.-The total snowfall for this season is now 59.3" and 80% of that fell in December. I then got up an hour later and made myself a cheese omelet. After that I did my math homework and went to class at 1pm. Along the way to school I noticed all kinds of construction projects going ready to begin. I thought to myself, "It's going to be a pain getting around once they all start at once." The math assignment I recieved back today was a 109%. I didn't even realize I did extra credit. Well you can guess that the rest of the class hour went well. Once I got home this afternoon, I started cleaning my room. I went and organized all my old magazines like National Geographic and Weatherwise and organized them in a box. I also organized all my pictures from vacations and so forth. After that I started a project that should have been done a while ago.One of the doors on my computer cabinet was to low and was hitting the worktable area so I unscrewed the door. (I made a big mess too) Then I raised the hinges up a quarter of an inch and now it's just fine. That's about it. I tried to register for a Chemistry class this summer but, it's still too early. O well try again next week.
![]() 8:30pm
![]() April 19, 2001
![]() Well the reason I haven't been updating over the past few days is becuase I've been sick. The 48 hour flu/cold; something like that. I'm feeling alot better than yesterday. Wednesday I didn't feel like doing anything at all, but I had to take a psychology test. Well today I woke up feeling so so. I had a quick breakfast and worked on my algebra for a while then I had to take a break and eat lunch. Then I went to class at 12:30. This afternoon has gone so fast, I don't know where the time has gone. One minute I organizing and working on this site then my dad's home already at five. My dad told me he saw a wolf by where he works. He said he probably got scared out of the Illinois Beach State Park while they were burning the grass and cattails. They do that every year and it scatters animals all the place. Now I'm just relaxing doing this. Soon I'll have to get going on a history paper that is due the 25th. It's supposed to be a really warm weekend, hopefully it won't rain to much; especially for the people out by the Mississippi River.
![]() 6:00pm
![]() April 22, 2001
![]() Sorry I haven't updated in a few but now I'll catch up. I have alot to say. Friday was an exciting day. The day started out really good. I got to school and out the my grades in my classes and there all doing great. Then I went to my algebra class in the afternoon. Once I got there there was no teacher. Well all of us decided to wait 15 minutes. To pass the time we played a couple of games of hang man. Yeah hangman, kind of weird the 10 of us would think of that to do. She didn't show up so I left. A big waist of my time. She should have told us the other day she was taking off. Oh well. Once I got home I found a letter that was from Northland College. I went there last July to take past in a eight day program that was called "Storms and Stars". It was on meteorology and Astronomy. Well I meet some wonderful friend's there. One night we were at the observatory and Nicole the councelor took a picture off the three of us (picture) in back of the telescope. I've been waiting since then to get the picture. I gave up hope along time ago. I was such and a shock and a surprise. Here's the web site dedicated to the trip. click. This web site was designed and is maintained by my friend Kathleen, who is also a talented web designer.
![]() Saturday was an exciting day. I got up at 9 knowing today was bible study at CLC with my good friend Jason. I called him around 10:30 and asked him if he was coming and he was. So at 12:30 he arrived and we drove my car to CLC as usual. I went a different way this time because I didn't want to go down the muddy and full of potholes Addams Road because I just washed my blazer that morning. I took the main road (Green Bay Rd.) down to 120. Right before I got to 120 a pickup carrying two mattres's and some ply wood lost it's load. The wind picked the stuff up and they landed right in front of the car ahead of me and in the other lane. I slammed on my brakes and swerved over to miss the car in front of me by 3 inches. It's a good thing I was quick to react and that I wasn't going any faster than 30mph. I've had many close calls, but I haven't hit anyone yet. Well my dad's van once, but that wasn't major. Anyway after bible study, me and Jason went to Hawthorn Mall for a while too shop. I haven't been there since December. I usually don't get down that way. I bought Myst II at a computer store, that's all though. After that we left. It was really windy and warm when we got out about 83 degrees with a 30 mph wind blowing. When we got home we just sat around the computer and played my new game and I showed him a few new things I had. He left around 11:30pm.
![]() Today has been nothing but work. This morning I got up and had a quick breakfast and got to work writing down ideas for my history report. I picked, a person that witnessed the Black Death. You have to write the report from that person's point of view. It should be interesting. Right now I just doing this and chatting with a friend or two. Well that's it for today.
![]() 11:55pm
![]() April 25, 2001
![]() Sometimes I wonder why my days are so busy. I make more work for myself. Anyway, that's what I thought earlier. Today was an easy day for the most part. I only had history and psychology. I handed my history report in this morning. I forgot to put a title page on it though. On Monday it was my cockatoo's third birthday. She got some special treats. I also gave her some ice cream with orange soda on top. lol, she likes that. Tomorrow I'll post her picture on this site. Her name is Marilyn after Marilyn Monroe! Today she was really noisy. I was outside and I could hear her about 200 feet away. After classes today I had to push my way through a crowd of visitors that where blocking the door. I'm glad that I have classes when I do or I would have a hard time getting a close parking spot. When I come out everyone wants the spot I had. I always get a parking spot no further back then a dozen spots. I usually get 3rd or 4th. Once I got home I realized I didn't have to go back that afternoon. No algebra on Wednesday. So I started helping my mom clean out the laundry room. It really needed cleaning. Then I did a little yard work; like mow the lawn for the first time this year. Our neighbor has cut the lawn twice in 5 days. I call him Lawnmower man. He cut it Sunday and then again today. He'll do it Saturday again I'm sure. Must be a obsessive compulsive disorder. He's wasting alot of gas that's for sure with gas prices at $1.80.
![]() The rest of the afternoon consisted of yard work, clean the mud room, and work on Fallingwater. I did some bidding for my mom on e-bay. She wanted a certain beanie baby so I found it and bid and I won. I'm so glad that report is done. I watched the movie "Contact" at seven. That's a really different movie one of a kind. I like it though. Today weatherwise was good. About 61 and m. sunny.
![]() 1:03am (26th)
![]() April 26, 2001
![]() Today I slept in way too late. I woke up saw that the clock read 11:16! I couldn't believe my eyes, I jumped out of bed and checked another clock and was indeed 11:16am. I told my mom never to let me sleep that late again. I must have been half dead last night because I don't remember waking up at all. I haven't slept that late in about a year. Ten at the latest,but never 11am or after. Because I got up so late I didn't have enough time to finish my homework for algebra, which made me even more irritated. I got to class on time thank God! Today's lesson was pretty easy. Were studying log right now and imaginary numbers. Once I got home me and my mom went over to Ann's Hallmark and picked up a few cards and then went back and looked at the Yankee candles. Let me tell you each time I go back and start smelling candles, I can't help it stay ten minutes or so smelling them. My mom picked out some really neat ones today. Daffodill and honeysuckle I believe. After a while I got a headache and a stomach ache from the all the smells combined. Anyway after that we went home and I got to work then. I started a two day project leveling off a path and reapplying wood chips to an area where thay got shoveled off during the winter. I worked on that until seven. Then I went inside to watch survivor, which is getting very exciting with only three people left now. After the show we all ordered out from Pizza House in Zion. And then since then I've been on here thinking to myself, "I didn't get much of anything done today."
![]() 11:44pm
![]() April 30, 2001
![]() Sorry I haven't written in a couple of days my ftp server was down and I had no way to update. Well I got some things added. Today was pretty exciting. I started the day kind of late, getting up at 7:15 is no picnic when you have to be at classes by eight and you have a twenty-five minute drive ahead plus you have to get ready in ten minutes. Well I made it in by 8:03 about. I got a 91 on my history essay, which I can take. We learned about the hundred year's war and more about the black death. I was really tired first hour, but I always remained awake. Psychology was next; we talked about schizophrenia and saw a video. After classes I walked outside and the heat just hit me. In had warmed up so much in two hours, I couldn't believe it. I got into the hot car and started in up. The thermometer read 77 degress and this was at 10 am already. Once I got home it was 78 and cumulus clouds were starting to bubble up. I spent the time between my second class and my 3rd class doing different things. I tried to publish this site several times, but the server was down all morning and didn't come up until 4 pm. Algebra was easy and she let us out a little early. Once I got out of class is was kind of hot out and humid too. It was about 84/85 at the time. I watched a group of thunderheads move up into Wisconsin to the west as I was going home. My afternoon consisted of working on a future resume, mulching outside, publishing my site, organizing some things, and homework. After dinner I was thinking of all the soda can's I saw along Adams Road right by my house. So I suggested to my dad that we go and collect them. So we took the car out and we went hunting for empty soda cans along the road. I walked and I rode on the floor on the side of the right sliding door with it open. I picked up about 100 cans that way. We spent about an hour and a half collecting. I've been collecting the tops on the soda cans for almost a year now and linking them up. Right now I have a chain of 1876; which is 156 feet long!
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