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![]() ![]() October 7, 2001
![]() O man where should I start. I haven't updated in so long. I've gotten really caught up in what's going on with the war and all now. We need to retaliate against the terrorist and let them know we mean business & that we won't got without a fight. I think everything Preident Bush is doing is the best and most logical way. I'm glad we have lots of ally friends out there.
![]() Over the past few weeks things have been going good for me. Last weekend my mom, dad, and I went to a log home show I think I mentioned a ways back. We went to Grand Rapids, MI for the show. The show was really interesting. Nice work, interesting people that we talked too. Got alot of information on log homes too. All in all log homes are cheap to build. Especially now with prices coming down on everything. The city is a really going place. About 200,000 people live in the area. Traffic was heavy almost everyday. One thing that funny was the time that people went out to eat at night. I could be 10 o'clock at night and the parking lots would still be full. Another thing that got me was all the people that liked to honk there horns. It just seemed that they like to do that sort of thing even more then hear.
![]() Over the course of this week both work and school had gone good. The weather is getting colder as can be expected. Last night was are first freeze. Last year on this exact same date it froze too. Kind of weird. little early too.
![]() But the fall color is to die for. I don't think there's one tree that isn't in color.
![]() Either tomorrow or the next day I'm going to add in some fall pictures; some that I took this year and last. I'll put them in the other photo pages. I'll stick a few links to them from the next journal entry and the home page.
![]() Well I better get going. Promise to right tomorrow too.
![]() 11:45pm
![]() October 8, 2001
![]() Today I woke up to a nice cool breeze, sun and the sound of leaves blowing across the driveway. I woke up with quite a headache which went away as the morning went on. I got work a little late, but made up for it like I always do. The morning at work was slow as could be. Dave from the shipping room was out at a doctor's appointment. He's just getting over a kidney stone procedure. He was still able to make it in at noon to work even though I wasn't there at the time.
![]() My grandpa has quite a pumpkin patch this year with 10 giant pumpkins that are probably 20lbs +.
![]() I was late again for Chemistry. It seems that I'm always late 4 minutes. I almost always walk in there at 12:04. Traffic almost never allows me to get there on time. lol
![]() O well can't have everything perfect. I caught some of the news today, especially the part on the anthrax cases in West Palm Beach, FL. That's kind of scary. There no way it was an accident, it was diliberate. I hope no more cases show up, because if they do there might be a panic. My grandpa is supposed to go down to our Florida plant soon. I wonder if that will influence his trip at all. Wait and see I guess.
![]() Later today I started not feeling to hot. Came down with a stomach ache at around 3pm and I'm still feeling it and that same kind of headache I had this morning. I really wasn't up to doing homework, but it had to get done sometime.
![]() Well so I don't feel worse in the morning, I'll get some extra sleep tonight. G'night
![]() 10:55pm
![]() ![]() October 19, 2001
![]() Man this week has been the busiest since classes began in August. My chemistry teacher gave us alot of work. Plus I started a new class, CAD (Computer Aided Drafting). The class is really interesting except for the time that it is. The class runs between 6pm-9:45pm Tuesday and Thrusday. I hope I can keep up with everything plus all the other work. Everyday this week except Monday we had 100 packages +. Busy but funny and interesting week at work. I'm glad I can slow down now finally. I have alot of racking to do though. The third weekend of October is when all the leaves seem to come down the hardest. Usually by November 1st 90% of them are down. Last year I wasn't able to get the leaves up in time. It started snowing in Mid November. Oh well I got them in the spring instead.
![]() Tonight was alot of errands, like the bank and grocery store.
![]() Gas prices are finally reasonable @ $1.26.
![]() Now for today's exciting story at work.
![]() It started last week when a lady at work spotted a baby brown Garter Snake in the office right by her foot. She freaked out and scared the snake away. No one saw it after that until today.
![]() I was working out back filling orders and my friend Mike was packaging them up. My dad was just heading out the door to get the daily mail. Mike happened to look out into the warehouse. All of a sudden he said, "SNAKE!" Me and Dave ran out there to see what it was all about. And there sure enough was a 7"-8" brown stripped Garter Snake sitting near the dock plate. My dad had walked within a foor of him and didn't realize it. We caught the snake which wasn't hard and put him in a box and showed him around to everyone. He was a really friendly snake, didn't try to bite or nothing. We kept him until I left at 11am. After lunch on the was to CLC. I let him go on a old farm sight on Crawford Rd. I set him on a sunny tree stump. And he just sat there. The area is probably the quiestest area in all of Lake Country there a few hundred acres of protected land on that road. Nice area.
![]() Come to think of it I think the snake might have been sitting in that spot because the heater was on and was shooting out warm air in the general direction of the snake.
![]() Right now I'm just on the computer relaxing. As I call it. Listening to some Beattles music. (Yellow Submarine in particular!) lol
![]() Well that all for now.
![]() G'night
![]() 9:38pm
![]() 10.26.01
![]() Hello again. Well this week ended on a busy note. My teachers have really loaded on the work over the past five days. Yesterday I finished 95% of it. I have little homework for this weekend.
![]() On Thursday Dave from work chased two mice into the office by accident and then lost track of them. He let me know what was going on. So I went up front with a flashlight and a box to see if I could catch them. No body had really seen them. But Dave knew that they were in there somewhere. I looked around along the wall where all the offices were. Then all of a sudden I saw one. He was a little gray and white mouse, probably a baby. He ran down one wall were the customers service girls were working. They were startled. Then the mouse doubled back and headed for the cafeteria, then into the wall. I looked around in the other room, thinking he might come out this other hole I discovered. He didn't! I didn't see the other one either. So Yesterday I set up my own invention, well actually I learned it from my sixth grade teacher. Live self made mouse trap. First you take a empty clean garbage can and then a board that serves as a ramp from the floor to the rim. Then you take a large peice of thick paper and lay it across. Put the bait in the center and on the rim. Either it be cheese or a potato chip. The idea is that the mouse will climb up the board see the cheese. But once he goes for it he falls in along with his treat. Now he has something to eat until someone comes to check if they caught a mouse. It's worked with gerbils, hamsters, and other mice before.
![]() Other than we have mice at work. The weather has changed to a more like winter pattern or at least late fall. Over the past 72 hours, Snow flurries, wind gusts up to 64mph and cloudy conditions have ruled. Yes I said snow, first trace of the season! Branches and leaves have been blowing around constantly. The winds came at a good time too. Now I don't have to rake nearly as much. Our leaves ended up down the block in someone elses yard. I still have some left on the trees that will come down after the wind sub sides but it shouldn't take that long. Our peak in fall colors has pasted by about a week ago.
![]() Last night I got much needed rest and this morning I sat and watched the news and the Weather channel to get updated on what's going on. This war is getting interesting I can tell you that.
![]() And those who are wondering what countries are on our side and who isn't I'll be making a map that shows that and post in on here. I'll put the link on the home page.
![]() Well That's it for right now. I might write a little later on today.
![]() 2:43pm
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